Friday, May 10, 2013

Before anything else, I would like to celebrate because this is my first blog, ever! :D

Summer 2013

After the hundred hours of school and hardwork, the time has come for us to reward ourselves. The past school year had been fruitful for me. Praise God for His sufficient grace that had sustained me in my everyday battle with my extra curricular activities and Academics. 

Before enjoying the vacation with the family, I volunteered in the Bayani Challenge 2013 in Cadiz City. That awesome experience changed my life, as a young Filipino. 

The volunteers built houses, cleaned schools, painted walls, fed children, conducted medical missions as part of the Gawad Kalinga's goal to build our nation through volunteerism. Tons of sweat were shed, muscles were strained, skin was tanned, and a change was made because of this nationwide event.

I wasn't able to go home after the five-day test of ENDURANCE, COURAGE and LOVE for COUNTRY ♥ because I directly went to Sagay City with my family:)

Readyyyyy to go! 

Sailing away from the city :)

A pathwalk  in the middle of the clear sea 

My Nanay :)

On our way to another island called Carbin Reef 

This is my Philippines! Proud Pinay here!

My baby sister enjoying  as the waves hit her tiny body. 

The dawn is breaking. Last picture taken from the Carbin Reef

The dorm  type room we rested in after a long day

A beautiful Resort in Sagay

Yummy! The boys cooked our lunch while we were swimming

just me :)
yey! time to kiss my bed after a week away from home.

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