Saturday, May 11, 2013

Castles in the Air

White House, Washington DC during the
Southeast Asian Youth Leadership Program

My name is Nobelle Ann A. Escalona, an incoming third year student of Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod, taking up Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology. I am a person who people might call a dreamer, determined to build ambitions and work hard to get hold of them; a woman who stands up for what I believe is right; a fighter who faces all the challenges even though I don’t have the riches like the others have; a leader who inspires my fellow youth in order to create a social change; a simple Filipino girl who aims to travel the world and experience other cultures; a friendly person who loves knowing people and being part of them; a flexible individual who is able to fit in any groups; a happy and positive person who never forgets to smile in times of difficulties and radiates joy and love wherever I may be; a woman whose heart is centered in helping others; a teenager who has the rarest ambition of being the future President of the Philippines; a role model who encourages, and guides by credible example that is worth emulating; a simple lady who desires nothing but to serve and to leave an impact in the lives of each person I meet in the road of existence.

The passion for leadership and public service runs in my veins since the day I became sensitive with what’s happening around me. I’ve always felt the need to reach out a hand for the needy. As I grow up, the desire to become a doctor was rooted deep in my heart. I remember how my heart is crushed every time I see people with diseases, but were not bestowed any chance to see a doctor due to financial reasons. Those people I witness in the streets, in television, and outside commercial establishments and churches begging for help stuck in my mind for so long. After a hundred of sleepless nights, trying to figure out what my purpose in life is, I finally decided to say “yes” in my calling- to serve through healing, to touch lives through caring and to spark change through sharing. I am committed to trek the road less travelled by. I will become a doctor not for money, but for the love of country. My advocacy is to carry out the need for a healthier community. I believe that my sole reason for living is to take the risk of running an extra mile for a better world, for a better Southeast Asia, for a better Philippines.

Aside from becoming a doctor, my earnest wish is to become the President of the Philippines. I simply love to be part of the people who leads the country, who gets to have the chance to take the economy to a greater height, who has the ability to listen to people’s needs and find solutions to it, who has the gift to give hope.  I have so much fire in my heart to change the world, and by being the president, I have faith that the life I live will be fruitful. Long lists of plans are etched in my mind but I know that I am still in the process of living out my thoughts. I still believe that I can serve in my own little ways. Even if I don’t become the president, I can still be of help, because public service is not all about the position, it is all about the heart.
With Abraham Lincoln, my admired leader
(taken at the Lincoln Museum, USA)

I love people. I love making friends and creating lasting friendship ties, I love relationships. As long as I can still feel the pumping of blood from my heart, I will continue to build castles in the air and render selfless service; not just for myself but for my countrymen. If actions do in fact speak louder than words, then I am going to live my life and allow others to be inspired, knowing that while my example is noeast it is one that is constructive and honorable, more often than not. Being a servant leader is what I think of as the best thing I can do to spark a change in this world, in other nations and in my own, beloved country. People will always cry out for help, and my heart will always hear them.

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